Refractive Lens Exchange
The lens of our eyes help us focus light and accommodate for near vision, much like the lens of a camera. As we age, two things happen to the lens. First, the lens stiffens and loses it’s ability to focus for close-up vision. Second, the lens gets cloudy and becomes a cataract. The term Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome has been coined to describe this progressive change of our natural lens.
As we become affected by the early stages of Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome, many of us suffer from the struggle of keeping up with reading glasses and bifocals, while many others are told they are no longer candidates for LASIK. These patients may benefit from a procedure called Refractive Lens Exchange to achieve freedom from glasses and contact lenses.
Refractive Lens Exchange is basically cataract surgery done at an earlier stage. Instead of waiting for the cataract to mature, you can enjoy the many benefits of cataract surgery at a younger age.
Benefits of Refractive Lens Exchange
- Independence from glasses or contact lenses for distance, intermediate, and near vision
- Treatment for near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism
- Improved clarity of vision
- No formation of cataract
- Lasting, stable vision